Create free hello world REST API with @microfunctions/cli

The Microfunctions CLI is a command-line interface tool that helps you to initialize, develop, and maintain your Microfunctions serverless
npm install -g @microfunctions/cli
Scaffolds a new function
$ microfunctions new helloword⚡ We will scaffold your app in a few seconds..? login to to generate your cliKey : xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-9eb5b3e7d41f? What Namespace would you like 😻 to use? hellwordnamespace? What ExecutedName would you like to use ? helloword? Which Memory would you 😻 to use? 32? Which Replicas would you 🍺 to use? 1? Which Runtime would you 😽 to use? nodejs12? Which package manager would you ❤️ to use? yarnCREATE helloword/.babelrc (48 bytes)CREATE helloword/.env (0 bytes)CREATE helloword/ (231 bytes)CREATE helloword/microfunctions-cli.json (46 bytes)CREATE helloword/package.json (776 bytes)CREATE helloword/server.js (1381 bytes)CREATE helloword/src/index.js (76 bytes)
🚀 Successfully created project helloword
✔ Installation in progress… ☕
🚀 Successfully created project helloword
👉 Get started with the following commands:
$ cd helloword
$ yarn run startyarn run v1.22.0warning ../../package.json: No license field$ nodemon ./server.js --exec babel-node -e js[nodemon] 2.0.6[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*[nodemon] watching extensions: js[nodemon] starting `babel-node ./server.js`your server is running on port 3000.
$curl — request GET ‘http://localhost:3000'
Deploy microfunctions
$ microfunctions deploy
⚡ We will scaffold your app in a few seconds..UPDATE package.json (812 bytes)url : 🍺
curl — location — request GET ‘' \ — header ‘x-apikey-header: xxxxxxx–xxxx–xxxx–xxxx–7d1232f28770’